Welcome To The ABW MasterClass!

Welcome to the ABW MasterClass!

I am soooooo excited to begin this journey with you! I have given my heart and soul to this work and I believe it is the foundation of... 


My personal goal is to create a MasterClass that will give you tools to build your future.

If you give this the time and energy it deserves, it will not only transform your future, but the future of the people around you.


It is not by chance that YOU ARE HERE...it is FOR A SPECIFIC REASON...which will be revealed to you in the months to come. This MasterClass is a personal journey of discovering your Divine Worth...and...your contribution to the world.

I am sooo excited for you to get started.


  1. All trainings are located in your member portal and they build on each other. Plan on going through in order your first time through.
  2. Live Monthly Q&A Sessions held every month on the first Thursday from 12 PM - 1 PM. Please email our team at [email protected] so you can register in advance.  Please also email your questions in advance (they take priority).  
  3. I strongly encourage you to set a consistent time aside each week to watch 1 recording per week. Repeat it as often as needed - the more it's repeated the more you will get out of the lesson. Life can get busy and if you don’t stay on top of the weekly trainings, they will easily pile up.
  4. There is a ton of content in the ABW MasterClass so it may be easy to feel a bit challenged. Remember to go back and rate yourself on the Arena and find out where your focus should be.  
  5. We suggest to complete all trainings in the beginning with a focus of 1 lesson per week. After that review the Arena of your life again and find out which lesson to focus on until it becomes a habit. 
  6. Take action on the exercises of your Focus until it becomes your new habit / norm.
  7. Remember the "REWIRE FORMULA" that is in the MasterClass to help this process.
  8. Have a designated notebook specifically for the ABW Masterclass so you can always access your notes.
  9. After you complete each lesson, you can send in your questions and I will take some time to answer them either via email or on the next live Q & A session.
  10. This Member Portal will be filled with Bonus Classes and PDF Templates on top of your Live Trainings. Please carve out additional time on your own to access more resources that will supercharge your transformation.
  11. Please let us know if there is anything else you need. You can contact our team for any logistical questions: [email protected].

I can’t wait to be with you on the class, I am so excited for you!!!

We are going to change the world, beginning with our own world….

and we are going to have fun doing it :-)

I am proud of you lady!


Your Guide,

January Donovan

Complete and Continue